Coupleofthings Blog

Secrets to a long-lasting marriage: REVEALED
Have you ever encounter some couple in their 90 years of age, and you saw them being sweet to each other and still loving despite the age? And you are like “aww, that’s so sweet!” Then you start wondering, will I ever have that kind of relationship with my husband or wife? Will I ever experience going out in our late years, still being sweet and loving to each other? So the big question now is how.
Marriage is a lifetime responsibility. Individuals should wed to reproduce, start a family, and esteem their affection with their own mate, kids, and grandchildren for the remainder of their lives. As such, marriage should be worked to last.
Following quite a while of marriage, it very well may be difficult to recollect those head-over-heels emotions you once had. Notice these privileged insights from couples who've been hitched for over 10 years, so you can remain upbeat and frantically infatuated for quite a long time (and years) to come. There is no perfect marriage, but there are ways to maintain relationships.
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Introducing our Artist - Rayuu
I've begun to make work for others too, and bringing their visions to life as well through representing their characters or recreating them or a friend or whatever character in my styles. Over time I've grown from learning from my challenging commissions and begun to also grow an eye for design, but I don't really get paid for that yet! However, it does definitely help in creating lovely pieces for my clients.
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Wife Appreciation Day 2021 – What’s the perfect gift for her?
Wife Appreciation Day 2021 — Have you heard about it? Well if you’re not familiar with it, it is a special day for wives and the goal of having this day is for wives without children to get gratefulness from their husbands. Mother's Day is for wives with kids. Along these lines, today is an open door for wives in a childless marriage, to perceive the estimation of their significant other. Tell her that she is so essential to you, and the amount she is valued. It is a day that she genuinely merits.
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Introducing our Artist - Angelica Alegre
While the artist works best with colored pencils and watercolor, she loves to learn new forms, mediums, and techniques in arts and design. The artist has her skills in crafting and conceptualizing arts and design. She has a passion for creation and strives to learn and grow.
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